List of Papers

Tytuł/Title Autor Czasopismo/Journalsort icon Rok/Year
LTE Experimental Validation in a Gas Metal Arc Welding Plasma Column F. Valensi, S. Pellerin, A. Boutaghane, K. Dzierzega, N. Pellerin and F. Briand Contributions to Plasma Physics 51, 293 2011
Krypton dynamic optogalvanic signals in 427-451 nm range for wavelength calibration V. Mihailov, R. Djulgerova, J. Koperski, M. Strojecki, Z.L. Petrovic CR Acad. Bulg. Sci. 61, 979 2008
Characterization of strong NV- gradient in the e-beam irradiated diamond sample M. Mrózek, A. M. Wojciechowski and W. Gawlik Diam. Relat. Mater., 120, 108689 2021
Self-assembled concentric stripes of diamond particles by a pinning-depinning mechanism P. Czarnecka-Trela, A. M. Wojciechowski, M. Mrózek, M. J. Głowacki, R. Bogdanowicz, W. Gawlik Diam. Relat. Mater., 142, 110783 2024
Fabrication of high-density nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center-enriched diamond particles through methyl trityl amine (C20H19N) seeding S. Kunuku, M. Ficek, S. Sengottuvel, J. Ryl, M. Mrózek, A. Lewkowicz, A. Wojciechowski, Robert Bogdanowicz Diam. Relat. Mater., 142, 110860 2024
Beobachtung von Quanteninterferenzen in Schnellen Sauerstoff-Ionene und Waserstoff-Atomen Zeitz W., Schneider D., Kowalik R., Platten H., Schneider T., Schiwietz G., Musioł K. Energiereiche Atomare Stosse - 7, ISSN, Univ. Frankfurt/Main, 0724-4975, Frankfurt/Main, 1986
Null-Grad Augerspectroscopie an schnellen Ar-Ionen Schneider Th., Schneider D., Zeitz W., Shiwietz G., Platten H., Kowalik R., Musioł K., Zouros T.J.M., Stettner U., Stolterfoht N. Energiereiche Atomare Stosse - 7, ISSN, Univ. Frankfurt/Main, 0724-4975, Frankfurt/Main, 1986
Longitudinal spin relaxation in nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond M. Mrózek, D. Rudnicki, P. Kehayias, A. Jarmola, D. Budker and W. Gawlik EPJ QT 2:22 2015
Observation of two truly independent laser interference made easy Tomasz Kawalec, Piotr Sowa Eur. J. Phys. 42, 055305 2021
Group-12 vdW dimers in free-jet supersonic beams - the legacy of Eugeniusz Czuchaj continues J. Koperski Eur. Phys. J. 144, 107-114 2007
Gas influence on the arc shape in MIG-MAG welding S. Zielińska, S. Pellerin, F. Valensi, K. Dzierzega, K. Musiol, Ch. De Izara, and F. Briand Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 43, 111 2008
Pulsed supersonic source of vdW complexes for high-temperature applications: Spectroscopy and beam characteristics T. Urbańczyk and J. Koperski Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics (Advances in Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy), 222, 2187 2013
Collisionally-induced quantum interference in resonance fluorescence of two-level atoms W. Gawlik, B. Łobodziński, and W. Chałupczak Frontiers of Quantum Optics and Laser Physics, pp. 184-194 1997
Temperature determination using molecular spectra simulation S. Pellerin, J. Koulidiati, O. Motret, M. de Graaf, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka & J. Chapelle High Temp. Mat. Proc, 1-4 493-509 1997
Description of some phenomena in electric arc cathode region S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka, E. Pawelec, F. Richard, J. Cormier, J. Chapelle High Temp. Mat. Proc. 1-2 249-261 1997
Analysis of some electrical discharge machining mechanisms N. Pellerin, S. Pellerin, Ł.Bratasz, K. Musioł, K. Dzierżęga, A. Miernikiewicz and J. Chapelle High Temp. Material Processes 5, 423-437 2001
Collisional-Radiative type modelling and application in plasma diagnostics K. Katsonis, S. Pellerin, K. Dzierżęga High Temp. Material Processes 7, 559-568 2003
Thermal condition control of an arc plasma CF4 reactor: Swan band spectrum for temperature measurements S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka, J.-M. Cormier & J. Chapelle High Temp.Mat. Proc. 1-2 273-285 1997
Spatial fluctuations of "Gliding arc S.Pellerin, J.M. Cormier, K.Musiol, B.Pokrzywka J.Koulidiati, F. Richard, J.Chapelle High Temperature Material Processes, 2, 49-68 1998
New interesting results on the electro-discharge machinning A. Miernikiewicz, Ł. Bratasz, S. Pellerin, N. Pellerin, K. Musioł, J. Chapelle High Temperature Material Processes, 3, 193-211 1999