Study of an Electric Arc in the Vicinity of the Cathode |
S. Pellerin , K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, J. Chapelle, A. Czernichowski |
J. of High Temp.Chem.Processes, Supp. n 3-1, 487-494 |
1992 |
Lasing without population inversion and quantum interference |
W. Gawlik |
Comm. At. Mol. Phys. 29, 189-203 |
1993 |
Preparation of high-principal-quantum-number "circular" states of rubidium |
P. Nussenzveig, F. Bernardot, M. Brune, J. M. Raimond, S. Haroche, and W.Gawlik |
Phys. Rev. A 48, 3991-3994 |
1993 |
Conical emission in barium vapour |
W. Chałupczak, W. Gawlik, and J. Zachorowski |
Opt. Comm. 99, 49-54 |
1993 |
Degenerate parametric emission in dense barium vapour |
W. Chałupczak, W. Gawlik, and J. Zachorowski |
Opt. Comm. 111, 613-622 |
1994 |
Four-wave mixing in strongly driven two-level systems |
Witold Chalupczak, Wojciech Gawlik, and Jerzy Zachorowski |
Phys. Rev. A 49, 4895-4901 |
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Conical emission as cooperative fluorescence |
Witold Chalupczak, Wojciech Gawlik, and Jerzy Zachorowski |
Phys. Rev. A 49, R2227-R2230 |
1994 |
Stark broadening and shift for ArII lines |
Dzierżęga K., Musioł K. |
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 52, No 6, 747-754 |
1994 |
Branching ratio measurements for singly ionized argon |
Dzierżęga K., Łabuz S., Musioł K. |
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 51, 567-572, |
1994 |
Investigation of a Cathode Region of an Electric Arc |
Pellerin S., Musioł K., Pokrzywka B., Chapelle J |
J. Phys. D., 27, 522-528 |
1994 |
Light-induced gain and directional energy flow with counterpropagating light beams in dense media |
B. A. Samson and W. Gawlik |
Phys. Rev. A 52, R4352-R4355 |
1995 |
Diagnostique et Etude de la Zone Cathodique d'un Arc Electrique |
Pellerin S., Pokrzywka B., Musioł K., Chapelle J. |
Journal de Physique III, Vol. 5, 2029-2042 |
1995 |
Time-resolved Balmer-alpha emission from fast hydrogen atoms in low pressure, radio-frequency discharges in hydrogen |
S.B.Radovanov, K.Dzierżęga, J.R.Roberts and J.K.Olthoff |
Applied Physics Letters 66, No.20, pp.2637-2639 |
1995 |
Multipole moments and trap states in forward scattering of resonance light |
B. Łobodziński and W. Gawlik |
Phys. Rev. A 54, 2238-2252 |
1996 |
Resonant degenerate four-wave mixing in dense media |
E. Pawelec, W. Gawlik, B. Samson, and K. Musioł |
Phys. Rev. A 54, 913-919 |
1996 |
Application of the (0; 0) Swan band spectrum for temperature measurements |
Pellerin S., Musioł K., Motret B., Pokrzywka B., Chapelle J. |
J. Phys. D., 29, 2850-2865 |
1996 |
The temperature of a plasma used in electrical discharge machining |
Albinski K., Musioł K., Miernikiewicz A., Łabuz S., Małota M. |
Plasma Sources Sience & Technology, 5, 736-742 |
1996 |
Oservation of electric arc cathode region |
Pokrzywka B., Pellerin S., Musioł K., Richard F., Chapelle J. |
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 29, 2841-2849 |
1996 |
Stark Widht of 4p'[1/2] - 4s[3/2]° ArI Transition (696.5 nm) |
Pellerin S., Musioł K., Pokrzywka B., Chapelle J. |
J. Phys. B., 29-17, 3911-3924 |
1996 |
Spectroscopic investigation of the equilibrium state in the electric arc cathode region |
Pokrzywka B., Musioł K., Pellerin S., Pawelec E., Chapelle J |
J. Phys. D., 29-10, 2644-2649 |
1996 |