Elements of analysis of electrical erosion mechanism |
N. Pellerin, S. Pellerin, A. Miernikiewicz, Ł. Bratasz, K. Musioł |
Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 83-88 |
1999 |
Argon spectroscopic metrology |
S. Pellerin, K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, K. Dzierżęga, J. Chapelle |
Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 73-82 |
1999 |
Working and characterisation of a gliding arc |
S. Pellerin, J.M. Cormier, K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, J. Chapelle |
Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 61-72 |
1999 |
Study of the cathodic zone of an electric arc |
B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin, K. Musioł, K. Dzierżęga, E. Pawelec, J. Chapelle |
Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 51-60 |
1999 |
Single-bubble sonoluminescence in aqueous solutions of NaCl |
W. Winiarczyk, K. Musioł |
Opt. Comm. 172, 93-96 |
1999 |
Atomic transition probabilities of FI spectral lines from 3s-3p and 3p-3d transition arrays |
J. Musielok, E. Pawelec, U. Griesmann and W.L. Wiese |
Phys. Rev. A 60,947-955 |
1999 |
New interesting results on the electro-discharge machinning |
A. Miernikiewicz, Ł. Bratasz, S. Pellerin, N. Pellerin, K. Musioł, J. Chapelle |
High Temperature Material Processes, 3, 193-211 |
1999 |
Experimental determination of the ArIII contribution to the continuum emmission of argon at 468.8nm |
B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, J. Chapelle |
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32,1665-1670 |
1999 |
Determination of the electrical parameters of a bi-dimensional d.c. Glidarc |
S. Pellerin, J.M. Cormier, F. Richard, K. Musiol, J. Chapelle |
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32, 891-897 |
1999 |
Etude de la zone cathodique d'un arc electrique |
B. Pokrzywka, K. Musiol, S. Pellerin, E. Pawelec, J.M. Cormier, J. Chapelle |
C.R. Acad. Sci Paris, t. 327, Serie II b, p. 391-398, |
1999 |
Single-bubble sonoluminescence in aqueous solutions of NaCl |
Winiarczyk W., Musioł K |
Optics Communications 172 - 1999. 93–96 |
1999 |
Krakowska pułapka magnetooptyczna |
J. Zachorowski, T. Pałasz, and W. Gawlik |
Postępy Fizyki 49, 338 |
1998 |
Magneto-Optical Trap for Rubidium Atoms |
J, Zachorowski, T. Pałasz, and W. Gawlik |
Optica Applicata XXVIII 3, 239 |
1998 |
Spatial fluctuations of "Gliding arc |
S.Pellerin, J.M. Cormier, K.Musiol, B.Pokrzywka J.Koulidiati, F. Richard, J.Chapelle |
High Temperature Material Processes, 2, 49-68 |
1998 |
Collisionally-induced quantum interference in resonance fluorescence of two-level atoms |
W. Gawlik, B. Łobodziński, and W. Chałupczak |
Frontiers of Quantum Optics and Laser Physics, pp. 184-194 |
1997 |
Role of trap states in forward scattering of resonance light |
B. Łobodziński and W. Gawlik |
Physica Scripta T70, 138-144 |
1997 |
Temperature determination using molecular spectra simulation |
S. Pellerin, J. Koulidiati, O. Motret, M. de Graaf, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka & J. Chapelle |
High Temp. Mat. Proc, 1-4 493-509 |
1997 |
Degenerate four-wave mixing in equilibrium argon arc plasma |
K. Musiol, K. Dzierzęga, E. Pawelec, B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin & S. Łabuz |
J. Phys.D, 30, No 24, 3346-3352 |
1997 |
Thermal condition control of an arc plasma CF4 reactor: Swan band spectrum for temperature measurements |
S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka, J.-M. Cormier & J. Chapelle |
High Temp.Mat. Proc. 1-2 273-285 |
1997 |
Description of some phenomena in electric arc cathode region |
S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka, E. Pawelec, F. Richard, J. Cormier, J. Chapelle |
High Temp. Mat. Proc. 1-2 249-261 |
1997 |