EPR paradox in warm and cold atomic quantum memories

mgr Michał Dąbrowski
Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej UW, Zakład Optyki

During the seminar I present the results of the experiments on generation and storage of multimidensional entangled states. I show that it is possible, using off-resonant Raman scattering, to store for a dozen of microseconds a spatially-multimode entangled state between single photon and collective atomic excitation in hot rubidium vapours as well as in laser-cooled rubidium atoms. Moreover, I demonstrate (using variance- and entropic-based Heisenberg uncertainty relation) that experimentally generated state exhibits the superficial paradox, originally described by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) in their famous article [Phys. Rev. 47, 777 (1935)].