Zero-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Using Parahydrogen Induced Polarization (Online seminar)

dr med Seyma Alcicek
Zakład Fotoniki IF UJ

I would like to present zero-field NMR enhanced using hydrogenative parahydrogen induced polarization (PHIP), and non-hydrogenative parahydrogen induced polarization producing signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE). These polarization techniques provide the improvement of the sensitivity and the resolution of Zero-field NMR spectra, allowing for the detection of dilute samples at natural isotopic abundance. The seminar will cover the researches on Zero-field NMR by PHIP and SABRE in the literature. Lastly, I will talk about our plans and progress in this field.

If you are interested in participating in the seminar, please contact the coordinator of the seminar, dr Szymon Pustelny (