Excitons and Phonons in 2D perovskites

dr Paulina Płochocka, prof. PWr
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland

High environmental stability and surprisingly high efficiency of solar cells based on 2D perovskites have renewed interest in these materials. These natural quantum wells consist of planes of metal-halide octahedra, separated by organic spacers.  Remarkably the organic spacers play crucial role in optoelectronic properties of these compounds. The characteristic for ionic crystal coupling of excitonic species to lattice vibration became particularly important in case of soft perovskite lattice. The nontrivial mutual dependencies between lattice dynamics, organic spacers and electronic excitation manifest in a complex absorption and emission spectrum which detailed origin is subject of ongoing controversy. First, I will discuss electronic properties of 2D perovskites with different thicknesses of the octahedral layers and two types of organic spacer.  I will demonstrate that the energy spacing of excitonic features depends on organic spacer but very weakly depends on octahedral layer thickness. This indicates the vibrionic progression scenario which is confirmed by high magnetic fields studies up to 67T. Finally, I will show that in 2D perovskites, the distortion imposed by the organic spacers governs the effective mass of the carriers.  As a result, and unlike in any other semiconductor, the effective mass in 2D perovskites can be easily tailored.  

To participate in the webinar, please, contact dr Szymon Pustelny (szymon.pustelny@uj.edu.pl) MS Teams Channel: Zakład Fotoniki IF UJ. Link to the channel: https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fchannel%2F19%3A3721f0b9286c47c78efdd4f33e6adf7a%40thread.tacv2%2FGeneral%3FgroupId%3Dd4c030cf-1dbb-4300-ad6d-f346f7a2dd08%26tenantId%3Deb0e26eb-bfbe-47d2-9e90-ebd2426dbceb&type=channel&deeplinkId=5a608ec7-1a38-4901-a6d1-7530e4dbdae3&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true