The Use of Zero and Ultralow Field NMR in Chemical and Biochemical Analysis

MD Şeyma Alçiçek
Zakład Fotoniki, Instytut Fizyki UJ

Zero and ultra-low field nuclear magnetic resonance (ZULF NMR) is an alternative NMR method with key features such as high resolution, portability, and cost-effectiveness. This novel spectroscopic method allows high-precision chemical and biochemical analysis based on indirect nuclear spin-spin interactions, so-called J-coupling, by yielding unique, well-resolved, and information-rich J-spectra. In order to detect ZULF NMR signals, atomic magnetometers are often used with the main advantages such as low price, small size, and non-cryogenic operation. Also, the ever-growing commercial availability of such sensors provides technical simplicity and near-zero maintenance. In this seminar, I will present our research to improve the applicability of ZULF NMR as a highly specific, compact, and inexpensive sensor for the analysis of chemical and biological samples.

The seminar will be held in the in-person form in room A-1-06