List of Papers

Tytuł/Title Autor Czasopismo/Journalsort icon Rok/Year
Study of Stark broadening of Li I 460 and 497nm spectral lines with independent plasma diagnostics by Thomson scattering K. Dzierżęga, T. Pięta, W. Zawadzki, E. Stambulchik, M. Gavrilović-Božović, S. Jovićević and B. Pokrzywka Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27, 025013 2018
The temperature of a plasma used in electrical discharge machining Albinski K., Musioł K., Miernikiewicz A., Łabuz S., Małota M. Plasma Sources Sience & Technology, 5, 736-742 1996
Laser-driven precipitation and modification of silver nanoparticles in soda-lime glass matrix monitored by on-line extinction measurements M. Grabiec • A. Wolak • O. Véron, J-P. Blondeau • N. Pellerin • M. Allix, S. Pellerin and K. Dzierzega Plasmonics 7, 279 2012
On-Line Optical and Morphological Studies of Silver Nanoparticles Growth Formed by Nanosecond Laser Irradiation of Silver-Exchanged Silicate Glass O.Veron, J-P.Blondeau, M.Grabiec, A.Wolak, K.Dzierżęga, N.Ollier, F.Goutaland, M. Cherif Sow, S. Pellerin and N.Pellerin Plasmonics 8, 93 2013
Krakowska pułapka magnetooptyczna J. Zachorowski, T. Pałasz, and W. Gawlik Postępy Fizyki 49, 338 1998
Optical Atomic Magnetometry – the Most Sensitive Magnetic Fields Measurements W. Gawlik and S. Pustelny Proc. of SPIE - accepted 2007
All-optical atomic magnetometers based on nonlinear magneto-optical rotation with amplitude modulated light S. Pustelny, A. Wojciechowski, M. Kotyrba, K. Sycz, J. Zachorowski, W. Gawlik, A. Cingoz, N. Leefer, J. M. Higbie, E. Corsini, M. P. Ledbetter, S. M. Rochester, A. O. Sushkov, and D. Budker Proc. of SPIE 6604, 660404 2007
Photonic sensor of liquids based on suspended-core fibres B. Wajnchold, M. Grabka, S. Pustelny, W. Gawlik, P. Mergo Proc. of SPIE 8426, 84261M 2012
Guided-mode based Faraday rotation spectroscopy within a photonic bandgap fiber F. V. Englich, M. Grabka, D. G. Lancaster, T. M. Monro Proc. of SPIE 8632, 86320L 2013
Creation and measurement of coherent superposition states in multilevel atoms G.P. Djotyan, N. Sandor, J.S. Bakos, Zs. Sörlei, W. Gawlik, A. Wojciechowski, J. Zachorowski, S. Pustelny, G. Yu. Kryuchkyan Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7998 79981A-1 2011
Suspended-core optical fibres for organic dye absorption spectroscopy B. Wajnchold, A. Umińska, M. Grabka, D. Kotas, S. Pustelny, W. Gawlik Proc. SPIE 8794, 87941B 2013
Theoretical modelling of the Faraday effect within a gas-filled photonic bandgap fiber M. Grabka, F. V. Englich, D. G. Lancaster, W. Gawlik, T. M. Monro Proc. SPIE 8794, 87942M 2013
Efficient polarization of high-angular-momentum systems S. M. Rochester, S. Pustelny, K. Szymanski, M. Raizen, M. Auzinsh, and D. Budker Proc. SPIE 9763, 97630D 2016
Optical diagnostics of cold (T < 1mK) atoms in the magneto-optical trap T. M. Brzozowski, W. Chalupczak, A. Noga, M. Maczynska, M. Zawada, J. Zachorowski, and W. Gawlik Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5229 2003
Quantum trajectory approach to stochastically-induced quantum interference A. Karpati, P. Adam, W. Gawlik, B. Łobodziński, and J. Janszky Progress in Physics (Fortschritte der Physik), 51, 179 2003
Frequency Reference for Laser Spectroscopy with the Stabilized 4-m Cavity P. Kruk, A. Noga, T. Trepka, J. Zachorowski, and W. Gawlik Rev. Sci. Instr. 76, 033109 2005
High-temperature high-pressure all metal pulsed source of van der Waals dimers: towards the E-P-R experiment T. Urbańczyk and J. Koperski Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 083114 2012
Dichroic atomic vapor laser lock with multi-gigahertz stabilization range S. Pustelny, V. Schultze, T. Scholtes, and D. Budker Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 063107 2016
Instrumentation for nuclear magnetic resonance in zero and ultra-low magnetic field M. C. D. Tayler, T. Theis, T. F. Sjolander, J. W. Blanchard, S. Pustelny, A. Pines, and D. Budker Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 091101 2017
Contributed Review: Camera-limits for wide-field magnetic resonance imaging with a nitrogen-vacancy spin sensor A.M. Wojciechowski, M. Karadas, A. Huck, C. Osterkamp, S. Jankhuhn, J. Meijer, F. Jelezko, and U.L. Andersen Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 031501 2018