Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Hyperpolarized Gases (3He and 129Xe)

dr Tadeusz Pałasz
Instytut Fizyki UJ, Zakład Optyki Atomowej
A new diagnostic method for lung diseases (such as COPD) is magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with hyperpolarized noble gases. To obtain a useful MR image of a 3He or 129Xe filled volume, nuclear polarization of gas should be significantly increased. This is achieved by optical pumping and collisions with metastability exchange (MEOP) or with spin exchange (SEOP). Polarizers made by the Noble Gases Optical Polarization Group (UJ, ZOA) will be presented, including an innovative MEOP polarizer operating in a strong magnetic field and under elevated 3He pressure, and a 129Xe SEOP polarizer allowing the accumulation of several gas portions under cryogenic conditions. The MR images of lungs filled with polarized gas will be shown.