Development of experimental set-up for spectroscopy of van der Waals molecules - from controlled excitation to efficient detection of fluorescence
Software was developed and diagnostics of measurement devices that in long term will be implemented in spectroscopy experiments of van der Waals molecules produced in supersonic beam was made.
Software for DL 100 (Toptica) diode laser was developed in C# programming language with a full graphical user interface. The software is devoted to an alexandrite ring laser PAL 101-PRO (Light Age) seeding system but can also work in independent experimental setups with functionalities such as data saving, simple data analysis and beam control with real-time graphs drawing. The process of seeding has been analysed. To confirm the effectiveness of the developed software, absorption spectroscopy in rubidium was performed. Software devoted to measurements with PicoScope (Pico Technology) oscilloscope has also been developed in C# programming language. The software is designed not only for measurements but also for the analysis of the measured data. To prepare Mechelle 5000 spectrometer equipped with ICCD iStar 334T camera (Andor Technology), measurements of laser induced fluorescence of iodine molecule was performed.
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