Bound->free and bound->bound multichannel emission spectra from selectively excited Rydberg states in the ZnAr and CdAr van der Waals complexes


Multichannel dispersed emission spectra originated upon a selective excitation of Rydberg electronic energy states in the ZnAr and CdAr van der Waals (vdW) complexes are simulated and analysed as a proof-of-concept of the future experimental approach. Simulations of the emission spectra are based on ab-initio calculated interatomic potentials and transition dipole moments (TDMs), that for ZnAr were newly calculated. Experimental set-up that is under construction along with the experimental procedure are discussed.

Autorzy / Authors: 
J. Dudek, A. Kędziorski, J.P. Zobel, M. Krośnicki, T. Urbańczyk, K. Puczka, J. Koperski
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1222, 128840
Tematyka badań: 
Spektroskopia laserowa
Spektroskopia cząsteczek