Generation and characterisation of atom-resonant, narrowband, correlated photon pairs with independent frequency tuning for quantum light-matter interactions (Webinar)

MSc Vindhiya Prakash
ICFO, Barcelona, Spain
  I will report on the development of a photon pair source based on cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down conversion (CESPDC), for production of correlated and entangled photons resonant to the D1 line in atomic Rubidium. The photons are in a single frequency mode and have a bandwidth of 5 MHz, comparable to the atomic transition linewidth. The system allows for independent control over the central frequency of each photon in the pair. This allows to pick and choose which hyperfine transition each photon is resonant to, with MHz resolution. The techniques are readily extensible to other wavelengths for interaction with other material systems. Besides the construction of the source, I will describe methods to characterize the narrow-band photon pairs produced [1], including mapping the two-photon joint-spectral amplitude based on a novel quantum interference effect [2]. 
[1] V. Prakash, L. C. Bianchet, M. T. Cuairan, P. Gomez, N. Bruno, and M. W. Mitchell, Opt. Express 27, 38463 (2019).

[2] V. Prakash, A. Sierant, and M.W. Mitchell

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