Rare-earth doped glass-ceramics for photonics applications

dr inż. Magdalena Leśniak
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. St. Staszica w Krakowie

Development of the novel waveguides lasers and broadband sources require advanced active materials like rare-earth-doped (RED) glass-ceramics. It offers a combination of the properties of glass (i.e., good mechanical, chemical, and thermal resistance) with the superior luminescence of the crystalline phase derived from their low phonon energy and the ability to incorporate lanthanide ions. The approach of the fabrication and structural-luminescence properties of the RED glass-ceramic in the low-phonon systems based on the TeO2 and GeO2 will be presented. The perspectives in manufacturing the Eu3+ and Er3+ doped glass-ceramic waveguides will be outlined

The seminar will be held remotely. To participate in the webinar, please, contact prof. Szymon Pustelny (szymon.pustelny@uj.edu.pl) MS Teams Channel: Zakład Fotoniki IF UJ. Link to the channel:  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a3721f0b9286c47c78efdd4f33e6adf7a%40thread.tacv2/Og%25C3%25B3lny?groupId=d4c030cf-1dbb-4300-ad6d-f346f7a2dd08&tenantId=eb0e26eb-bfbe-47d2-9e90-ebd2426dbceb