HYADES misson - how to look for water sources in space?

dr hab. Tomasz Kawalec
Department of Photonics, M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

For millennia, humanity has been asking itself fundamental questions about the origins of our Earth. One of the scientific problems to be solved is the origin of water on our planet. The ancient Greeks associated autumn rains with the tears of the mythological Hyades, nymphs turned into stars. The new ERC project called HYADES (HYdrogen and DEuterium Survey) conceptually and multifacetedly combines the issues of space and water, aiming to definitively explain what was the source of water on the originally dry Earth, what reservoirs of water may exist in the Solar System, and what interstellar objects can tell us in this context. The main tool for this research is optics from the borderline of far- and extreme ultraviolet, launched into orbit outside the Earth's atmosphere.