Complete control of the quantum state with oscillating magnetic field
MSc. Arash Dezhang Fard
Zakład Fotoniki IFMS UJ
Quantum-state engineering involves the deliberate manipulation and control
over quantum-states to generate systems with specific quantum properties.
However, in order to develop robust schemes of the manipulations, one
must gain precise knowledge about the states. In this task, quantum-state
tomography plays a key role [1, 2].
Here, we present our experimental studies on the reconstruction of the
collective density matrix of the ground-state of 87Rb. The heart of our experimental
setup is the room-temperature atomic vapor, which has two hyperfine
ground states with F = 1, 2 (F is total angular momentum). Reconstruction
of the state in the F = 2 manifold is one of challenges due to the energy
degeneracy of the magnetic sublevels splitting. However, to address this issue
we propose an oscillating magnetic field inducing both linear and and
quadratic Zeeman effect at not-too strong fields (B ≤ 25 Gauss). Interestingly,
application of oscillating magnetic field allows us to cancel the linear
effect contribution inducing only quadratic coupling. We demonstrate the
conversion from orientation of the atomic polarization to alignment, which
indicates the ability to fully control the ground state of atoms [3].
[1] M. Kopciuch and S. Pustelny, Optical reconstruction of the collective density
matrix of a qutrit, Phys. Rev. A 106, 022406 (2022).
[2] M. Piotrak, M. Kopciuch, A. D. Fard, M. Smolis, S. Pustelny, and K. Korzekwa,
Perfect quantum protractors, Quantum 8, 1459 (2024).
[3] A. D. Fard, M. Kopciuch, Y. Sun, P. W lodarczyk, and S. Pustelny, Isolating
pure quadratic zeeman splitting (2024), arXiv:2412.07610 [quant-ph].
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