SEMINARIUM ODWOŁANE - From atomic physics to quantum materials

dr hab. inż. Przemysław Głowacki
Zakład Inżynierii i Metrologii Kwantowej, Politechnika Poznańska




The talk will present the scientific activity of the employees of the Division of Quantum Engineering and Metrology (DQEM) of Poznan University of Technology, starting from the history of the birth of spectroscopy in the Atomic Physics Laboratory to the present.

It will briefly outline experimental studies on free atoms and ions using unique research equipment, semi-empirical analysis of selected elements, aimed at possible applications in quantum engineering and the search for atomic quantum materials [1-5]. Investigations of diamonds and other wide-bandgap semiconductors, mainly with ODMR technique, will also be discussed.

The last part of the presentation will discuss the current state of knowledge related to the pioneering project of an optical nuclear clock based on the transition between the ground state and the excited state (isomer) of the thorium isotope nucleus 229, realized at the research group of Prof. E. Peik from PTB Braunschweig (Germany), partly with the participation of DQEM employees [6]. 



[1] P. Głowacki, D. Stefańska, M. Elantkowska, J. Ruczkowski, JQSRT 291, 108331 (2022)
[2] P. Głowacki, D. Stefańska, J. Ruczkowski, M. Elantkowska, JQSRT 276, 107898 (2021)
[3] D. Stefańska et al.,  JQSRT 246, 106915 (2020)
[4] A. Barzakh, …, J. Bieroń, …, M. Elantkowska, … , A. V. Zaitsevskii, PRL 127, 192501 (2021)
[5] M. Klempka, J. Ruczkowski, M. Elantkowska, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 160, 101683 (2024)
[6] J. Thielking, …, P. Głowacki, …, E. Peik, Nature 556, 321-325 (2018)