Nonlinearity shaping in nanostructured glass-diamond hybrid materials for optical fiber preforms |
G. Stępniewski, P. Hänzi, A. Filipkowski, M. Janik, M. Mrózek, Y. Stepanenko, R. Bogdanowicz, V. Romano, A. Heidt, R. Buczyński, M. Klimczak |
Carbon, 215, 118465 |
2023 |
Genetic algorithm for obtaining potential energy curve of diatomic molecules based on dispersed fluorescence spectra |
T. Urbańczyk, J. Koperski, G. Kaszewski, M. Synak, J. Swenda, M. Krośnicki |
Sci. Rep. 13, 17413 |
2023 |
Rotational characterization of the E3Σ1+(5s6s 3S1) Rydberg state of CdNe van der Waals complex via selective J-excitation in OODR process |
Tomasz Urbańczyk, Joanna Sobczuk, Jarosław Koperski |
Spectrochimica Acta A: Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., 264, 120248 |
2022 |
Magnetically-sensitive nanodiamond thin-films on glass fibers |
P. Czarnecka, M. Jani, S. Sengottuvel, M. Mrózek, P. Dabczynski, A. Filipkowski, I. Kujawa, D. Pysz, W. Gawlik, and A. Wojciechowski |
Opt. Mater. Express, 12(2) 444-457 |
2022 |
Tellurite Glass Rods with Submicron-Size Diamonds as Photonic Magnetic Field and Temperature Sensors |
Z. Orzechowska, M. Mrózek, A. Filipkowski, D. Pysz, R. Stępień, M. Ficek, Adam M. Wojciechowski, M. Klimczak, R. Bogdanowicz, W. Gawlik |
Adv. Quantum Technol. 5(3), 2100128 |
2022 |
Optical-optical double resonance process in free-jet supersonic expansion of van der Waals molecules: characteristics of the expansion, number of excited molecules and emitted photons |
J. Sobczuk, T. Urbańczyk, J. Koperski |
Mol. Phys. 120, e2024614 |
2022 |
Application of Deep Neural Network in Finding of Repulsive Part of Molecular Potential Based on Dispersed Emission Spectra |
P. Gosz, M. Krośnicki, J. Koperski, T. Urbańczyk |
Acta Phys. Polon. A 141, 81-87 |
2022 |
Para-hexaphenylene (p-6P) nanofibers grown on a silver surface for polarization-insensitive surface plasmon polariton excitation |
E. K. Sobolewska, A. Laghrissi, T. Kawalec, L. Jozefowski, H.-G. Rubahn, J. Adam, J. Fiutowski |
Opt. Commun. 511, 127995 |
2022 |
Volumetric incorporation of NV diamond emitters in nanostructured F2 glass magneto-optical fiber probes |
A. Filipkowski, M. Mrózek, G. Stępniewski, J. Kierdaszuk, A. Drabińska, T. Karpate, M. Głowacki, M. Ficek, W. Gawlik, R. Buczyński, A. Wojciechowski, R. Bogdanowicz, M. Klimczak |
Carbon, 196, 10-19 |
2022 |
Magnetically sensitive fiber probe with nitrogen-vacancy center nanodiamonds integrated in a suspended core |
A. Filipkowski, M. Mrózek, G. Stepniewski, M. Glowacki, D. Pysz, W. Gawlik, R. Buczynski, M. Klimczak, and A. Wojciechowski |
Opt. Express, 30(11) 19573-19581 |
2022 |
Rydberg states of ZnAr complex |
A. Kędziorski, P. Zobel, M. Krośnicki, J. Koperski |
Mol. Phys. 120, e2073282 |
2022 |
The lowest-lying Rydberg state of CdAr van der Waals complex: The improved characterization of the interatomic potential |
J. Sobczuk, T. Urbańczyk, J. Koperski |
Spectrochimica Acta A: Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 282, 121655 |
2022 |
Role of high nitrogen-vacancy concentration on the photoluminescence and Raman spectra of diamond |
M. Jani, M. Mrózek, A. M. Nowakowska, P. Leszczenko, W. Gawlik, A. M. Wojciechowski |
Phys. Status Solidi A,220(4), 2200299 |
2022 |
Polarimetric method of plasma diagnostics |
K. Oganesyan, K. Dzierżęga, P. Kopcansky, A.H. Gevorgyan and M. Timko |
Laser Physics Letters |
2022 |
Plasma Stark effect of He II Paschen-α: Resolution of the disagreement between experiment and theory |
F. Sobczuk, K. Dzierżęga. E. Stambulchik |
Physical Review E |
2022 |
Stabilization of Spin States of an Open System: Bichromatic Driving of Resonance Transitions in NV Ensembles in Diamond |
W. Gawlik, P. Olczykowski, M. Mrózek, and A. Wojciechowski |
Opt. Express, 30(25), 44350-44364 |
2022 |
Wide-field magnetometry using nitrogen-vacancy color centers with randomly oriented micro-diamonds |
S. Sengottuvel, M. Mrózek, M. Sawczak, M. J. Głowacki, M. Ficek, W. Gawlik & A. M. Wojciechowski |
Sci. Rep. 12(1), 17997 |
2022 |
Zeeman optical pumping of 87Rb atoms in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber |
T. Krehlik, A. Stabrawa, R. Gartman, K.f T. Kaczmarek, R. Löw, and A. Wojciechowski |
Opt. Lett. 47(21), pp. 5731-5734 |
2022 |
Optical reconstruction of the collective density matrix of a qutrit |
M. Kopciuch and S. Pustelny |
Phys. Rev. A 106, 022406 |
2022 |
Response of atomic-based sensors to magnetic and nonmagnetic perturbations |
M. Padniuk. M. Kopciuch, R. Capolletti, A. Wickenbrock, D. Budker, and S. Pustelny |
Sci. Rep. 12, 324 |
2022 |