The temporal character of pulsed-laser cone emission |
W. Gawlik, R. Shuker, and A. Gallagher |
Phys. Rev. A 64, 021801(R) |
2001 |
Analysis of some electrical discharge machining mechanisms |
N. Pellerin, S. Pellerin, Ł.Bratasz, K. Musioł, K. Dzierżęga, A. Miernikiewicz and J. Chapelle |
High Temp. Material Processes 5, 423-437 |
2001 |
Absolute Transition Rates for Transitions from 5p Levels in Kr II |
K. Dzierżęga, U. Griesmann, G. Nave, Ł. Bratasz |
Phys. Scr. 63, 209-218 |
2001 |
Bose-Einstein Condensation in Atomic Gases |
J. Zachorowski and W. Gawlik |
Acta Phys. Polon. A 102, 577-596 |
2002 |
Time-of-flight measurement of the temperature of cold atoms for short trap-probe beam distances |
T. M. Brzozowski, M. Mączyńska, M. Zawada, J. Zachorowski, and W. Gawlik |
J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4, 62-66 |
2002 |
Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Cold, Trapped Atoms |
J. Zachorowski, T. Brzozowski, T. Pałasz, M. Zawada, and W. Gawlik |
Acta Phys. Polon. A 101, 61-75 |
2002 |
Quantum trajectory approach to stochastically-induced quantum interference effects in coherently-driven two-level atoms |
A. Karpati, P. Adam, W. Gawlik, B. Łobodziński, and J. Janszky |
Phys. Rev. A 66, 023821 |
2002 |
Resonant nonlinear magneto-optical effects in atoms |
D. Budker, W. Gawlik, D. F. Kimball, S. M. Rochester, A. Weis, and V. V. Yashchuk |
Review of Modern Physics, 74, 1153 |
2002 |
Laser frequency stabilization by Doppler-free magnetic dichroism |
G. Wąsik, W. Gawlik, J. Zachorowski, W. Zawadzki |
Appl. Phys. B 75, 613-619 |
2002 |
Optical Back-Goudsmit Effect: Laser Decoupling of Hyperfine Interactions in Atoms |
W. Gawlik, J. Zachorowski |
Acta Phys. Polon. B 33, 2243 |
2002 |
Absolute transition rates for transitions from 5p4 (3P)6p 4Po5/2, 4Po3/2, 4Do7/2 and 2Do5/2 Levels of Xe II |
S. Zielińska, Ł. Bratasz and K. Dzierżęga |
Physica Scripta 66, 454-457 |
2002 |
Study of diatomic van der Waals complexes in supersonic beams |
J. Koperski |
Physics Reports 369, 177-326 |
2002 |
Superfluorescence with cold trapped neon atoms |
J. Zachorowski |
J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 5 No 4, 376-381 |
2003 |
Optically Induced Lensing Effect on a Bose-Einstein Condensate Expending in a Moving Lattice |
L. Fallani, F. S. Cataliotti, J. Catani, C. Fort, M. Modugno, M. Zawada, and M. Inguscio |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 240405 |
2003 |
Optical diagnostics of cold (T < 1mK) atoms in the magneto-optical trap |
T. M. Brzozowski, W. Chalupczak, A. Noga, M. Maczynska, M. Zawada, J. Zachorowski, and W. Gawlik |
Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5229 |
2003 |
Selective addressing of high-rank atomic polarization moments |
V. V. Yashchuk, D. Budker, W. Gawlik, D. F. Kimball, Yu. P. Malakyan, and S. M. Rochester |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 253001 |
2003 |
Competitive stochastic noises in coherently driven two-level atoms and quantum interference |
P. Adam, A. Karpati, W. Gawlik, and J. Janszky |
J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 5, S221-227 |
2003 |
Quantum trajectory approach to stochastically-induced quantum interference |
A. Karpati, P. Adam, W. Gawlik, B. Łobodziński, and J. Janszky |
Progress in Physics (Fortschritte der Physik), 51, 179 |
2003 |
Collisional-Radiative type modelling and application in plasma diagnostics |
K. Katsonis, S. Pellerin, K. Dzierżęga |
High Temp. Material Processes 7, 559-568 |
2003 |
Stark width and shift measurements for the 696.543 nm ArI line using degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) spectroscopy |
K. Dzierżęga, Ł. Bratasz, S. Pellerin, B. Pokrzywka and K. Musioł |
Phys. Scr. 67, 52-58 |
2003 |