Spis publikacji

Tytuł Autor Czasopismo Rok
Stimulated magneto-optics with different detunings for plasma local diagnostics K B Oganesyan, K Dzierżęga, A H Gevorgyan and P Kopcansky Laser Physics Letters 2024
Reexamining the Stark width and shift of He II Paschen-α: Studies using laser-induced plasma, Thomson scattering, and computer simulations Krzysztof Dzierżęga,Franciszek Sobczuk, Tomasz Krehlik and Evgeny Stambulchik Physical Review E 2024
Plasma Stark effect of He II Paschen-α: Resolution of the disagreement between experiment and theory F. Sobczuk, K. Dzierżęga. E. Stambulchik Physical Review E 2022
Two-color laser scattering for diagnostics of hydrogen plasma F. Sobczuk, K. Dzierżęga, W. Zawadzki, B. Pokrzywka, E. Stambulchik Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 115012 2022
Studies of spectral line merging in a laser-induced hydrogen plasma diagnosed with two-color Thomson scattering Krzysztof Dzierżęga, Franciszek Sobczuk,Evgeny Stambulchik, Bartłomiej Pokrzywka Physical Review E 2021
Experimental and theoretical studies of Stark profiles of Ar I 696.5 nm spectral line in laser-induced plasma K. Dzierżęga, W. Zawadzki, F. Sobczuk, M. Lamine Sankhe, S. Pellerin, M. Wartel, W. Olchawa, A. Bacławski, A. Bartecka J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer 237, 106635 2019
Study of Stark broadening of Li I 460 and 497nm spectral lines with independent plasma diagnostics by Thomson scattering K. Dzierżęga, T. Pięta, W. Zawadzki, E. Stambulchik, M. Gavrilović-Božović, S. Jovićević and B. Pokrzywka Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27, 025013 2018
Investigation of thermodynamic equilibrium in laser-induced aluminum plasma using the Halpha line profiles and Thomson scattering spectra M. Cvejic, K. Dzierżęga, and T. Pięta Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 024102 2015
Laser spectroscopy of thermal plasma B. Pokrzywka, K. Dzierżęga, A. Mendys and S. Pellerin Physica Scripta 2014
Investigation of the local thermodynamic equilibrium of laser-induced aluminum plasma by Thomson scattering technique A. Mendys, M. Kański, A. Farah-Sougueh, S. Pellerin, B. Pokrzywka, K. Dzierżęga Spectrochimica Acta Part B 2014
What can we learn about laser-induced plasmas from Thomson scattering experiments K. Dzierżęga, A.Mendys, B. Pokrzywka Spectrochimica Acta Part B 2014
Simultaneous measurement of electron and heavy particle temperatures in He laser-induced plasma by Thomson and Rayleigh scattering K. Dzierżęga, A. Mendys, B. Pokrzywka, W. Zawadzki, and S. Pellerin Applied Physics Letters 102, 134108 2013
Laser light scattering in a laser-induced argon plasma: Investigations of the shock wave B. Pokrzywka, A. Mendys, K. Dzierżęga, M. Grabiec, S. Pellerin Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 74-75, 24 2012
Study of heating effects during Thomson scattering in laser induced plasma in air G. Travaille, A. Mendys, K. Dzierzega, S. Pellerin, B. Pokrzywka, E. Thouin, B. Bousquet, L. Canioni Contributions to Plasma Physics 51, 171 2011
LTE Experimental Validation in a Gas Metal Arc Welding Plasma Column F. Valensi, S. Pellerin, A. Boutaghane, K. Dzierzega, N. Pellerin and F. Briand Contributions to Plasma Physics 51, 293 2011
Investigations of laser-induced plasma in argon by Thomson scattering A. Mendys, K. Dzierżęga, M. Grabiec, S. Pellerin, B. Pokrzywka, G. Travaille, B. Bousquet, Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66, 691 2011
Plasma diagnostics in gas metal arc welding by optical emission spectroscopy F. Valensi, S. Pellerin, A. Boutaghane, K. Dzierżęga, S. Zielinska, N. Pellerin, and F. Briand Journal of Physics D 43, 434002 2010
Measurement of atomic Stark parameters of many MnI and FeI spectra lines using GMAW process S. Zielinska, S. Pellerin, K. Dzierżęga, F. Valensi, K. Musioł and F. Briand Journal of Physics D 43, 434005 2010
Thomson scattering from laser induced plasma in air K. Dzierżęga, A. Mendys, S. Pellerin, E. Thouin, G. Travaille, B. Bousquet, L. Canioni and B. Pokrzywka, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 227, 012029 2010
Microstructural analysis of the anode in gas metal arc welding (GMAW) S. Zielińska, F. Valensi, N. Pellerin, S. Pellerin, K. Musioł, Ch. De Izarra, F. Briand Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209, 3581 2009
Gas influence on the arc shape in MIG-MAG welding S. Zielińska, S. Pellerin, F. Valensi, K. Dzierzega, K. Musiol, Ch. De Izara, and F. Briand Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 43, 111 2008
Investigations of GMAW plasma by optical emission spectroscopy S. Zielińska, K. Musioł, K. Dzierżęga, S. Pellerin, F. Valensi, Ch de Izara, F. Brand Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 16, 832 2007
Experimental investigations of plasma perturbation In Thomson scattering applied to thermal plasma diagnostics K. Dzierżęga, W. Zawadzki, B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin Phys. Rev. E 74, 026404 2006
Calculations of Stark-broadened line shapes in phase-conjugate degenerate four-wave mixing laser spectroscopy K. Dzierżęga, W. Olchawa Phys. Rev. E 72, 046405 2005
Investigations of the cathode region of an argon arc plasma by degenerate four-wave mixing laser spectroscopy and optical emission spectroscopy K. Dzierżęga, B. Pokrzywka and S. Pellerin J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 37, 1742-1749 2004
N2+/N2 ratio and temperature measurements based on the first negative N2+ and second positive N2 overlapped molecular emission spectra H. Nassar, S. Pellerin, K. Musioł, O. Martinie, N. Pellerin and J-M. Cormier J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 37, 1904-1916 2004
Collisional-Radiative type modelling and application in plasma diagnostics K. Katsonis, S. Pellerin, K. Dzierżęga High Temp. Material Processes 7, 559-568 2003
Stark width and shift measurements for the 696.543 nm ArI line using degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) spectroscopy K. Dzierżęga, Ł. Bratasz, S. Pellerin, B. Pokrzywka and K. Musioł Phys. Scr. 67, 52-58 2003
Analysis of some electrical discharge machining mechanisms N. Pellerin, S. Pellerin, Ł.Bratasz, K. Musioł, K. Dzierżęga, A. Miernikiewicz and J. Chapelle High Temp. Material Processes 5, 423-437 2001
Branching ratio measurements for Ge I and Ge II Ł. Bratasz, K. Musioł Acta Physica Polonica A 98, 345-351 2000
Heat string model of bi-dimensional dc Glidarc S. Pellerin, F. Richard, J. Chapelle, J.M. Cormier, K. Musiol J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 33, 2407-2419 2000
Accurate transition rates for the 5p - 5s transitions in Kr I Krzysztof Dzierżęga, Udo Volz, Gillian Nave, Ulf Griesmann Phys. Rev. A 62, 022505 2000
Etude de la zone cathodique d'un arc electrique B. Pokrzywka, K. Musiol, S. Pellerin, E. Pawelec, J.M. Cormier, J. Chapelle C.R. Acad. Sci Paris, t. 327, Serie II b, p. 391-398, 1999
Time-resolved Optical Monitoring of Laser Produced Plasma Derived from Germanium B. Nemet, K. Musioł Contrib. Plasma Physics, 39, 85 - 88 1999
New interesting results on the electro-discharge machinning A. Miernikiewicz, Ł. Bratasz, S. Pellerin, N. Pellerin, K. Musioł, J. Chapelle High Temperature Material Processes, 3, 193-211 1999
Determination of the electrical parameters of a bi-dimensional d.c. Glidarc S. Pellerin, J.M. Cormier, F. Richard, K. Musiol, J. Chapelle J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32, 891-897 1999
Experimental determination of the ArIII contribution to the continuum emmission of argon at 468.8nm B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, J. Chapelle J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32,1665-1670 1999
Time-resolved vibrational and rotational emission analysis of laser-produced plasma of carbon and polymer B. Nemet, K. Musioł, I. Santa, J. Zachorowski Journal of Molecular Structure 511–512 (1999) 259–270 1999
Non-equilibrium, PLASMA diagnostic by molecular spectroscopy S. Pellerin, J. Koulidiati, V. Lago, M. De Graaf, K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, J.M. Cormier, M. Dudeck, J. Chapelle Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 103-112 1999
Study of the cathodic zone of an electric arc B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin, K. Musioł, K. Dzierżęga, E. Pawelec, J. Chapelle Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 51-60 1999
Working and characterisation of a gliding arc S. Pellerin, J.M. Cormier, K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, J. Chapelle Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 61-72 1999
Argon spectroscopic metrology S. Pellerin, K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, K. Dzierżęga, J. Chapelle Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 73-82 1999
Elements of analysis of electrical erosion mechanism N. Pellerin, S. Pellerin, A. Miernikiewicz, Ł. Bratasz, K. Musioł Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 83-88 1999
Thermal plasma diagnostics using degenerate four-wave mixing K. Musioł, K. Dzierżęga, E. Pawelec, B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin, S. Łabuz Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 89-96 1999
Activation of coal with plasma S. Hołda, A. Nodzeński, K. Musioł, A. Czernichowski Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 97-102 1999
Single-bubble sonoluminescence in aqueous solutions of NaCl W. Winiarczyk, K. Musioł Opt. Comm. 172, 93-96 1999
Single-bubble sonoluminescence in aqueous solutions of NaCl Winiarczyk W., Musioł K Optics Communications 172 - 1999. 93–96 1999
Atomic transition probabilities of FI spectral lines from 3s-3p and 3p-3d transition arrays J. Musielok, E. Pawelec, U. Griesmann and W.L. Wiese Phys. Rev. A 60,947-955 1999
Spatial fluctuations of "Gliding arc S.Pellerin, J.M. Cormier, K.Musiol, B.Pokrzywka J.Koulidiati, F. Richard, J.Chapelle High Temperature Material Processes, 2, 49-68 1998
Temperature determination using molecular spectra simulation S. Pellerin, J. Koulidiati, O. Motret, M. de Graaf, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka & J. Chapelle High Temp. Mat. Proc, 1-4 493-509 1997
Description of some phenomena in electric arc cathode region S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka, E. Pawelec, F. Richard, J. Cormier, J. Chapelle High Temp. Mat. Proc. 1-2 249-261 1997
Thermal condition control of an arc plasma CF4 reactor: Swan band spectrum for temperature measurements S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka, J.-M. Cormier & J. Chapelle High Temp.Mat. Proc. 1-2 273-285 1997
Degenerate four-wave mixing in equilibrium argon arc plasma K. Musiol, K. Dzierzęga, E. Pawelec, B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin & S. Łabuz J. Phys.D, 30, No 24, 3346-3352 1997
Measurement of Atomic Parameters of Singly Ionized Argon Lines – I. Experimental Procedure Pellerin S., Musioł K., Chapelle J. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 57, No. 3, 349-357 1997
Measurement of Atomic Parameters of Singly Ionized Argon Lines – II. Transition Probabilities Pellerin S., Musioł K., Dzierżęga K., Chapelle J J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 57, No. 3, 359-376 1997
Measurement of Atomic Parameters of Singly Ionized Argon Lines - III. Stark Broadening Parameters Pellerin S.,Musioł K., Chapelle J. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 57, No. 3, 377-393 1997
Temperature Measurements in Non-equilibrium "Ferroelectric" Plasma Pawelec E., Slmek M., Nassar H., Czernichowski A., Musioł K., Dittrichova L. Acta Phys. Polonica A, Vol. 89, 503-507 1996
Branching ratio measurements for Ge I and Ge II Czernichowski A., Nassar H., Ranaivoloarimanana A., Fridman A.A., Simek M., Musioł K., Pawelec E., Dittrichova L. Acta Phys. Polonica A, Vol. 89, 595-603 1996
Electron density measurement in a rf helium plasma by laser-collision induced fluorescence method Dzierżęga K., Musioł K., Benck E.C., Roberts J. J. Appl. Physics, 80, 3196-3201 1996
Stark Widht of 4p'[1/2] - 4s[3/2]° ArI Transition (696.5 nm) Pellerin S., Musioł K., Pokrzywka B., Chapelle J. J. Phys. B., 29-17, 3911-3924 1996
Stark width of 4p' [1/2] - 4s[3/2]° Ar I transition (696.543 nm) Pellerin S., Musioł K., Dzierżęga K., Chapelle J J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 29 (1996) 3911–3924 1996
A spectroscopic diagnostic method Using UV OH band spectrum Pellerin S.,Cormier J.M., Richard F., Musioł K., Chapelle J. J. Phys. D, 29-3, 726-739 1996
Application of the (0; 0) Swan band spectrum for temperature measurements Pellerin S., Musioł K., Motret B., Pokrzywka B., Chapelle J. J. Phys. D., 29, 2850-2865 1996
Spectroscopic investigation of the equilibrium state in the electric arc cathode region Pokrzywka B., Musioł K., Pellerin S., Pawelec E., Chapelle J J. Phys. D., 29-10, 2644-2649 1996
Observations of electric arc cathode region Pokrzywka B., Pellerin S., Musioł K., Richard F., Chapelle J J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 29 (1996) 2841–2849. 1996
Oservation of electric arc cathode region Pokrzywka B., Pellerin S., Musioł K., Richard F., Chapelle J. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 29, 2841-2849 1996
The temperature of a plasma used in electrical discharge machining Albinski K., Musioł K., Miernikiewicz A., Łabuz S., Małota M. Plasma Sources Sience & Technology, 5, 736-742 1996
Time-resolved Balmer-alpha emission from fast hydrogen atoms in low pressure, radio-frequency discharges in hydrogen S.B.Radovanov, K.Dzierżęga, J.R.Roberts and J.K.Olthoff Applied Physics Letters 66, No.20, pp.2637-2639 1995
Diagnostique et Etude de la Zone Cathodique d'un Arc Electrique Pellerin S., Pokrzywka B., Musioł K., Chapelle J. Journal de Physique III, Vol. 5, 2029-2042 1995
Investigation of a Cathode Region of an Electric Arc Pellerin S., Musioł K., Pokrzywka B., Chapelle J J. Phys. D., 27, 522-528 1994
Branching ratio measurements for singly ionized argon Dzierżęga K., Łabuz S., Musioł K. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 51, 567-572, 1994
Stark broadening and shift for ArII lines Dzierżęga K., Musioł K. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 52, No 6, 747-754 1994
Study of an Electric Arc in the Vicinity of the Cathode S. Pellerin , K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, J. Chapelle, A. Czernichowski J. of High Temp.Chem.Processes, Supp. n 3-1, 487-494 1992
Measurement of branching ratio for ArII Dzierżęga K., Kubala M., Łabuz S., Musioł K., Pokrzywka B. Acta Phys. Polonica, Vol. A78, 299, 1990
An interferometric and spectroscopic argon arc plasma diagnostic Musioł K., Czernichowski A., Chapelle J., de Lzarra C J. Phys. B, 22, 2649, 1989
Measurements of some plasma-broadened GeI spectral line profiles Musioł K., Łabuz S., Pokrzywka B. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 40, No 2, 143, 1988
Iterative method of correcting measured total intensity of a spectral line for the reabsorption effect (end-on measuerment) Pokrzywka B., Musioł K. Acta Phys. Polonica, Vol. A72, 574, 1987
Measurements of Stark widths of GeI lines Musioł K., Pokrzywka B., Łabuz S. Annales de Physique ,11, Nr 3, 143, 1986
Beobachtung von Quanteninterferenzen in Schnellen Sauerstoff-Ionene und Waserstoff-Atomen Zeitz W., Schneider D., Kowalik R., Platten H., Schneider T., Schiwietz G., Musioł K. Energiereiche Atomare Stosse - 7, ISSN, Univ. Frankfurt/Main, 0724-4975, Frankfurt/Main, 1986
Null-Grad Augerspectroscopie an schnellen Ar-Ionen Schneider Th., Schneider D., Zeitz W., Shiwietz G., Platten H., Kowalik R., Musioł K., Zouros T.J.M., Stettner U., Stolterfoht N. Energiereiche Atomare Stosse - 7, ISSN, Univ. Frankfurt/Main, 0724-4975, Frankfurt/Main, 1986
Experimental measurements of transition probabilities in GeI Pokrzywka B., Musioł K., Stanek M., Łabuz S. Acta Phys. Polonica, Vol. A68, 763, 1985
Lifetime ratios for ArI 4p levels Musioł K., Jones D.W., Wiese W.L. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 29, No 4, 321, 1983
Experimntal determination of the transition probabilities in ErII Musioł K., Łabuz S. Physica Scripta, Vol. 27, 422, 1983
Starc widths and shifts for some ArI 4s-4p transitions Jones D.W., Musioł K., Wiese W.L. Spectral Line Shapes, Vol. 2, W. de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, New York, 125, 1983
Calculation of the atomic partition function of BiI, BiII and BiIII Musioł K., Stanek M. Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, Vol. 38, Nr 7, 1067, 1983
The influence of the exited states and decrease of the ionization energy on the refraction of an argon plasma Musioł K., Czernichowski A., Chapelle J. Physica, 106 C, 123, 1981
On interpretation of the plasma beam holographic interferograms Musioł K. Optica Applicata, Vol. 1, 41, 1975