Spis publikacji

Tytuł/Title Autor Czasopismo/Journal Rok/Year
Study of the cathodic zone of an electric arc B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin, K. Musioł, K. Dzierżęga, E. Pawelec, J. Chapelle Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 51-60 1999
Working and characterisation of a gliding arc S. Pellerin, J.M. Cormier, K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, J. Chapelle Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 61-72 1999
Argon spectroscopic metrology S. Pellerin, K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, K. Dzierżęga, J. Chapelle Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 73-82 1999
Elements of analysis of electrical erosion mechanism N. Pellerin, S. Pellerin, A. Miernikiewicz, Ł. Bratasz, K. Musioł Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 83-88 1999
Thermal plasma diagnostics using degenerate four-wave mixing K. Musioł, K. Dzierżęga, E. Pawelec, B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin, S. Łabuz Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 89-96 1999
Activation of coal with plasma S. Hołda, A. Nodzeński, K. Musioł, A. Czernichowski Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 97-102 1999
Non-equilibrium, PLASMA diagnostic by molecular spectroscopy S. Pellerin, J. Koulidiati, V. Lago, M. De Graaf, K. Musioł, B. Pokrzywka, J.M. Cormier, M. Dudeck, J. Chapelle Journal of Technical Physics 40 (2), 103-112 1999
Time-resolved Optical Monitoring of Laser Produced Plasma Derived from Germanium B. Nemet, K. Musioł Contrib. Plasma Physics, 39, 85 - 88 1999
Time-resolved vibrational and rotational emission analysis of laser-produced plasma of carbon and polymer B. Nemet, K. Musioł, I. Santa, J. Zachorowski Journal of Molecular Structure 511–512 (1999) 259–270 1999
Amplification without inversion in a medium with collisional dephasing W. Gawlik, M. Pinard, G. Wąsik, and J. Zachorowski Phys. Rev. A 59, 848-858 1999
Spatial fluctuations of "Gliding arc S.Pellerin, J.M. Cormier, K.Musiol, B.Pokrzywka J.Koulidiati, F. Richard, J.Chapelle High Temperature Material Processes, 2, 49-68 1998
Magneto-Optical Trap for Rubidium Atoms J, Zachorowski, T. Pałasz, and W. Gawlik Optica Applicata XXVIII 3, 239 1998
Krakowska pułapka magnetooptyczna J. Zachorowski, T. Pałasz, and W. Gawlik Postępy Fizyki 49, 338 1998
Measurement of Atomic Parameters of Singly Ionized Argon Lines - III. Stark Broadening Parameters Pellerin S.,Musioł K., Chapelle J. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 57, No. 3, 377-393 1997
Measurement of Atomic Parameters of Singly Ionized Argon Lines – II. Transition Probabilities Pellerin S., Musioł K., Dzierżęga K., Chapelle J J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 57, No. 3, 359-376 1997
Measurement of Atomic Parameters of Singly Ionized Argon Lines – I. Experimental Procedure Pellerin S., Musioł K., Chapelle J. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Vol. 57, No. 3, 349-357 1997
Description of some phenomena in electric arc cathode region S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka, E. Pawelec, F. Richard, J. Cormier, J. Chapelle High Temp. Mat. Proc. 1-2 249-261 1997
Thermal condition control of an arc plasma CF4 reactor: Swan band spectrum for temperature measurements S. Pellerin, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka, J.-M. Cormier & J. Chapelle High Temp.Mat. Proc. 1-2 273-285 1997
Degenerate four-wave mixing in equilibrium argon arc plasma K. Musiol, K. Dzierzęga, E. Pawelec, B. Pokrzywka, S. Pellerin & S. Łabuz J. Phys.D, 30, No 24, 3346-3352 1997
Temperature determination using molecular spectra simulation S. Pellerin, J. Koulidiati, O. Motret, M. de Graaf, K. Musiol, B. Pokrzywka & J. Chapelle High Temp. Mat. Proc, 1-4 493-509 1997