Spis publikacji

Tytuł/Title Autor Czasopismo/Journal Rok/Year
Photonic sensor of liquids based on suspended-core fibres B. Wajnchold, M. Grabka, S. Pustelny, W. Gawlik, P. Mergo Proc. of SPIE 8426, 84261M 2012
Laser-driven precipitation and modification of silver nanoparticles in soda-lime glass matrix monitored by on-line extinction measurements M. Grabiec • A. Wolak • O. Véron, J-P. Blondeau • N. Pellerin • M. Allix, S. Pellerin and K. Dzierzega Plasmonics 7, 279 2012
Structure of vibrational bands of the E3Σ+(63S1)←A3(53P1), B3Σ+1(53P1) transitions in CdAr and CdKr studied by optical-optical double resonance method. T. Urbańczyk, M. Strojecki and J. Koperski Chem. Phys. Lett. 503, 18 2011
Potentials of the D10u+(61S0) and F31u(63P2) electronic Rydberg states of Cd2 from ab initio calculations and LIF excitation spectra J. Koperski, M. Strojecki, M. Krośnicki and T. Urbańczyk J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 6851 2011
Laser frequency stabilization by magnetically assisted rotation spectroscopy L. Krzemien, K. Brzozowski, A. Noga, M. Witkowski, J. Zachorowski, M. Zawada, and W. Gawlik Opt. Commun. 284, 1247-1253 2011
Experiments on Quantum Coherence with Cold Atoms W. Gawlik, and A. Wojciechowski Optics and Spectroscopy 111, 626-632 2011
Creation and measurement of coherent superposition states in multilevel atoms G.P. Djotyan, N. Sandor, J.S. Bakos, Zs. Sörlei, W. Gawlik, A. Wojciechowski, J. Zachorowski, S. Pustelny, G. Yu. Kryuchkyan Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7998 79981A-1 2011
Metallic vapors in gas metal arc welding by optical emission spectroscopy and plasma imaging Briand F., Valensi F., Pellerin S., Pellerin N., Dzierzega K., Zielinska S., Musiol K. Journal of the Japan Welding Society 2011
Ochrona zabytkowych tkanin / Preservation of historic textiles Ł. Bratasz, K. Dzierżęga, A. Kiliańska-Kopacz, R. Kozłowski, M. Łukomski, E. Peacock, J. Thomas, W. Zawadzki Broszura podsumowująca projekt 2011
Investigations of laser-induced plasma in argon by Thomson scattering A. Mendys, K. Dzierżęga, M. Grabiec, S. Pellerin, B. Pokrzywka, G. Travaille, B. Bousquet, Spectrochimica Acta Part B 66, 691 2011
LTE Experimental Validation in a Gas Metal Arc Welding Plasma Column F. Valensi, S. Pellerin, A. Boutaghane, K. Dzierzega, N. Pellerin and F. Briand Contributions to Plasma Physics 51, 293 2011
Study of heating effects during Thomson scattering in laser induced plasma in air G. Travaille, A. Mendys, K. Dzierzega, S. Pellerin, B. Pokrzywka, E. Thouin, B. Bousquet, L. Canioni Contributions to Plasma Physics 51, 171 2011
Evolution of the diffraction pattern during the transition from the near-field toward the far-field region M. Grabka, S. Pustelny, B. Wajnchold, W. Gawlik, P. Mergo Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci., Tech. Sci. 2011
Tailoring quantum superpositions with linearly polarized amplitude-modulated light S. Pustelny, M. Koczwara, Ł. Cincio, and W. Gawlik Phys. Rev. A 83, 043832 2011
Characterization of bound parts of the b30u+(53P1), c31u(53P2) and X10g+ states of Cd2 revisited: bound-bound excitation and dispersed emission spectra M. Strojecki, M. Krośnicki, P. Zgoda and J. Koperski Chem. Phys. Lett. 489, 20 2010
Ionization spectroscopy in cold rubidium atoms L. Krzemień, K. Baster, K. Brzozowski, A. M. Wojciechowski, J. Zachorowski, W. Gawlik Opt. Applicata XL, 571 2010
Production of spinor condensates of Rb-87 released from a magnetic trap R. Gartman, M. Piotrowski, J. Szczepkowski, M. Witkowski, M. Zawada, W. Gawlik Opt. Applicata 40, 565-570 2010
Measurement of atomic Stark parameters of many MnI and FeI spectra lines using GMAW process S. Zielinska, S. Pellerin, K. Dzierżęga, F. Valensi, K. Musioł and F. Briand Journal of Physics D 43, 434005 2010
Plasma diagnostics in gas metal arc welding by optical emission spectroscopy F. Valensi, S. Pellerin, A. Boutaghane, K. Dzierżęga, S. Zielinska, N. Pellerin, and F. Briand Journal of Physics D 43, 434002 2010
Thomson scattering from laser induced plasma in air K. Dzierżęga, A. Mendys, S. Pellerin, E. Thouin, G. Travaille, B. Bousquet, L. Canioni and B. Pokrzywka, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 227, 012029 2010