Spis publikacji

Tytuł/Title Autor Czasopismo/Journal Rok/Year
Matter-wave interference versus spontaneous pattern formation in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates M. Witkowski, R. Gartman, B. Nagórny, M. Piotrowski, M. Płodzień, K. Sacha, J. Szczepkowski, J. Zachorowski, M. Zawada, and W. Gawlik Phys. Rev. A 88, 025602 2013
Microwave spectroscopy for diagnostics of nitrogen vacancy defects in diamond samples D. Rudnicki, M. Mrózek, J. Młynarczyk, and W. Gawlik Photonics Letters of Poland, VOL. 5 (4), 143-145 2013
The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics (GNOME): A novel scheme to search for physics beyond the Standard Model S. Pustelny, D. F. Jackson Kimball, C. Pankow, M. P. Ledbetter, P. Wlodarczyk, P. Wcislo, M. Pospelov, J. R. Smith, J. Read, W. Gawlik, and D. Budke Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 525, 659-670 2013
Radio-frequency spectroscopy in the dark W. Chalupczak, P. Josephs-Franks, R. M. Godun, and S. Pustelny Phys. Rev. A 88, 052508 2013
Electric Field Standing Wave Effects in FT-IR Transflection Spectra of biological tissue sections: simulated models of experimental variability T. Wrobel, B. Wajnchold, H. Byrne, M. Baranska Vib. Spectrosc. 69, 84 2013
Nanosecond infrared laser-induced precipitation of silver nanoparticles in glass A. Wolak, M. Grabiec, O. Véron, J.-P. Blondeau, and K. Dzierżęga Photonics Letters of Poland 5(2), 54 2013
Theoretical modelling of the Faraday effect within a gas-filled photonic bandgap fiber M. Grabka, F. V. Englich, D. G. Lancaster, W. Gawlik, T. M. Monro Proc. SPIE 8794, 87942M 2013
Suspended-core optical fibres for organic dye absorption spectroscopy B. Wajnchold, A. Umińska, M. Grabka, D. Kotas, S. Pustelny, W. Gawlik Proc. SPIE 8794, 87941B 2013
Study of the spray to globular transition in gas metal arc welding: a spectroscopic investigation F. Valensi, S. Pellerin, Q. Castillon, A. Boutaghane, K. Dzierzega, S. Zielinska, N. Pellerin and F. Briand Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 224005 2013
Simultaneous measurement of electron and heavy particle temperatures in He laser-induced plasma by Thomson and Rayleigh scattering K. Dzierżęga, A. Mendys, B. Pokrzywka, W. Zawadzki, and S. Pellerin Applied Physics Letters 102, 134108 2013
Magnetic field interaction with guided light for detection of an active gaseous medium within an optical fiber F. V. Englich, M. Grabka, D. G. Lancaster, T. M. Monro Opt. Express 21, 2491 2013
On-Line Optical and Morphological Studies of Silver Nanoparticles Growth Formed by Nanosecond Laser Irradiation of Silver-Exchanged Silicate Glass O.Veron, J-P.Blondeau, M.Grabiec, A.Wolak, K.Dzierżęga, N.Ollier, F.Goutaland, M. Cherif Sow, S. Pellerin and N.Pellerin Plasmonics 8, 93 2013
Detecting Domain Walls of Axionlike Models Using Terrestrial Experiments M. Pospelov, S. Pustelny, M. P. Ledbetter, D. F. Jackson Kimball, W. Gawlik, and D. Budker Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 021803 2013
From molecular spectroscopy to entanglement of atoms – a trek with supersonic velocity J. Koperski Opt. Appl. 42, 417-431 2012
Entangled cadmium atoms: from production to test of Bell inequalities T. Urbańczyk, M. Strojecki, M. Krośnicki and J. Koperski Opt. Appl. 42, 433 2012
High-temperature high-pressure all metal pulsed source of van der Waals dimers: towards the E-P-R experiment T. Urbańczyk and J. Koperski Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 083114 2012
Optical properties of all-solid microstructured optical fibers A. Uminska, M. Grabka, S. Pustelny, R. Buczynski, I. Kujawa, and W. Gawlik Phot. Lett. Pol. 4, 140 2012
Room temperature femtotesla radio-frequency atomic magnetometer W. Chalupczak, R. M. Godun, S. Pustelny, and W. Gawlik Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 242401 2012
Liquid-state nuclear spin comagnetometers M. P. Ledbetter, S. Pustelny D. Budker, M. V. Romalis, J. W. Blanchard, and A. Pines Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 243001 2012
Modeling an optical magnetometer with electronic circuits — analysis and optimization P. Wlodarczyk, S. Pustelny, J. Zachorowski, and M. Lipinski J. Inst 7, P07015 2012