Tellurite Glass Rods with Submicron-Size Diamonds as Photonic Magnetic Field and Temperature Sensors |
Z. Orzechowska, M. Mrózek, A. Filipkowski, D. Pysz, R. Stępień, M. Ficek, Adam M. Wojciechowski, M. Klimczak, R. Bogdanowicz, W. Gawlik |
Adv. Quantum Technol. 5(3), 2100128 |
2022 |
Magnetically-sensitive nanodiamond thin-films on glass fibers |
P. Czarnecka, M. Jani, S. Sengottuvel, M. Mrózek, P. Dabczynski, A. Filipkowski, I. Kujawa, D. Pysz, W. Gawlik, and A. Wojciechowski |
Opt. Mater. Express, 12(2) 444-457 |
2022 |
Rotational characterization of the E3Σ1+(5s6s 3S1) Rydberg state of CdNe van der Waals complex via selective J-excitation in OODR process |
Tomasz Urbańczyk, Joanna Sobczuk, Jarosław Koperski |
Spectrochimica Acta A: Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., 264, 120248 |
2022 |
Quantum sensor networks as exotic field telescopes for multi-messenger astronomy |
C. Dailey, C. Bradley, D. F. Jackson Kimball, I. A. Sulai, S. Pustelny, A. Wickenbrock, and A. Derevianko |
Nat. Astron. 5, 150-158 |
2021 |
Search for topological defect dark matter using the global network of optical magnetometers for exotic physics searches (GNOME) |
S. Afach et al. |
Nature Phys. 17, 1396-1401 |
2021 |
Wireless photodiode for optical and atomic physics experiments |
T. Kawalec, P. Sowa |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 114711 |
2021 |
Zero-Field NMR of Urea: Spin-Topology Engineering by Chemical Exchange |
S. Alcicek, P. Put, D. Barskiy, V. Kontul, S. Pustelny |
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 43, 10671–10676 |
2021 |
Characterization of strong NV- gradient in the e-beam irradiated diamond sample |
M. Mrózek, A. M. Wojciechowski and W. Gawlik |
Diam. Relat. Mater., 120, 108689 |
2021 |
Integration of Fluorescent, NV-Rich Nanodiamond Particles with AFM Cantilevers by Focused Ion Beam for Hybrid Optical and Micromechanical Devices |
M. Ficek, M. J. Głowacki, K. Gajewski, P. Kunicki, E. Gacka, K. Sycz, M. Mrózek, A. M. Wojciechowski, T. P. Gotszalk, W. Gawlik and R. Bogdanowicz |
Coatings, 11, 1332 |
2021 |
Optical nonlinearities of silicate oxide glass with gold nanoparticles outside the spectral range of surface plasmon resonance |
K. Dzierżęga, A. Gorczyca, W. Zawadzki, W. Talik, N. Pellerin, B. Diallo, J.-P. Blondeau, S. Pellerin |
Optical Materials 122, 111712 |
2021 |
Preparation and characterization of AFM tips with nitrogen-vacancy and nitrogen-vacancy-nitrogen color centers |
Zuzanna Orzechowska, Mariusz Mrózek, Wojciech Gawlik and Adam M. Wojciechowski |
Photonics Lett. Poland, 13 (2), 28-30 |
2021 |
Studies of spectral line merging in a laser-induced hydrogen plasma diagnosed with two-color Thomson scattering |
Krzysztof Dzierżęga, Franciszek Sobczuk,Evgeny Stambulchik, Bartłomiej Pokrzywka |
Physical Review E |
2021 |
Observation of two truly independent laser interference made easy |
Tomasz Kawalec, Piotr Sowa |
Eur. J. Phys. 42, 055305 |
2021 |
Near-field characterization of surface plasmon polaritons on a nanofabricated transmission structure |
Aleksandra Sierant, Benedykt R. Jany, Tomasz Kawalec |
Phys. Rev. B 103, 165433 |
2021 |
Deep neural network for fitting analytical potential energy curve of diatomic molecules from ro-vibrational spectra |
D. Horwat, M. Krośnicki, T. Urbańczyk, J. Koperski |
Molecular Simulation 47, 650 |
2021 |
Detection of biological signals from a live mammalian muscle using an early stage diamond quantum sensor |
J.L. Webb, L. Troise, N.W. Hansen, C. Olsson, A.M. Wojciechowski, J. Achard, O. Brinza, R. Staacke, M. Kieschnick, J. Meijer, A. Thielscher, J.-F. Perrier, K. Berg-Sørensen, A.Huck & U.L. Andersen |
Scientific Reports 11, 2412 |
2021 |
Observation of gerade Rydberg state of Cd2 van der Waals complex cooled in free-jet expansion beam and excited using optical-optical double resonance method |
T. Urbańczyk, M. Krośnicki and J. Koperski |
Spectrochimica Acta A: Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., 253, 119500 |
2021 |
Zero- to Ultralow-Field NMR Spectroscopy of Small Biomolecules |
Piotr Put, Szymon Pustelny, Dmitry Budker, Emanuel Druga, Tobias F. Sjolander, Alexander Pines, and Danila A. Barskiy |
Anal. Chem. 93, 6, 3226–3232 |
2021 |
Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Centers Created by Proton Implantation in a Diamond |
M. Mrózek, M. Schabikowski, M. Mitura-Nowak, J. Lekki, M. Marszałek, A. M. Wojciechowski and W. Gawlik |
Materials, 14(4), 833 |
2021 |
Zero-Field NMR J-Spectroscopy of Organophosphorus Compounds |
S. Alcicek, P. Put, V. Kontul, S. Pustelny |
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 2, 787–79 |
2021 |